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Fallagassrini Bypass Shell

Current Path : /usr/share/spamassassin/

Linux server.meentosys.com 3.10.0-1160.105.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Dec 7 15:39:45 UTC 2023 x86_64
Upload File :
Current File : //usr/share/spamassassin/20_aux_tlds.cf

# SpamAssassin - Auxiliary TLD Definitions
# Please don't modify this file as your changes will be overwritten with
# the next update. Use @@LOCAL_RULES_DIR@@/local.cf instead.
# See 'perldoc Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf' for details.
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# This file replaces the SARE http://www.rulesemporium.com/rules/90_2tld.cf
# which will be deprecated as from 2010-05-01

# util_rb_2tld 2tld-1.tld 2tld-2.tld ...
#            This option allows the addition of new 2nd-level TLDs (2TLD) to
#            the RegistrarBoundaries code. Updates to the list usually happen
#            when new versions of SpamAssassin are released, but sometimes
#            it's necessary to add in new 2TLDs faster than a release can
#            occur.
# util_rb_3tld is supported by SA 3.3.x , eg: foo.bay.livefilestore.com

# Last Update: 2014-02-04-AXB

# SA > 3.3.0
if (version >= 3.003000)

util_rb_3tld bay.livefilestore.com
util_rb_3tld blu.livefilestore.com
util_rb_3tld groups.live.com
util_rb_3tld spaces.live.com
util_rb_3tld profile.live.com
util_rb_3tld web.aplus.net
util_rb_3tld cloud.prohosting.com
util_rb_3tld skydrive.live.com
util_rb_3tld docs.google.com
util_rb_3tld spaces.msn.com
util_rb_3tld blog.friendster.com
util_rb_3tld sakura.ne.jp
util_rb_3tld web.officelive.com
util_rb_3tld com.sapo.pt
util_rb_3tld paginas.sapo.pt
util_rb_3tld no.sapo.pt
util_rb_3tld home.sapo.pt
util_rb_3tld do.sapo.pt
util_rb_3tld homepage.t-online.de
util_rb_3tld privat.t-online.de
util_rb_3tld web.fc2.com
util_rb_3tld co.uk.pn
util_rb_3tld com.au.pn
util_rb_3tld co.at.pn
util_rb_3tld co.at.lv
util_rb_3tld or.at.lv
util_rb_3tld co.at.tc
util_rb_3tld qld.edu.au
util_rb_3tld perso.neuf.fr
util_rb_3tld perso.sfr.fr
util_rb_3tld hop.clickbank.net
util_rb_3tld user.icpnet.pl
util_rb_3tld en.alibaba.com
util_rb_3tld blogspot.co.nz
util_rb_3tld blogspot.co.uk
util_rb_3tld blogspot.com.ar
util_rb_3tld blogspot.com.au
util_rb_3tld blogspot.com.br
util_rb_3tld blogspot.com.es
util_rb_3tld no-ip.co.uk
util_rb_3tld mobile.web.tr


# SA > 3.2.4
util_rb_2tld 110mb.com
util_rb_2tld 9k.com
util_rb_2tld addr.com
util_rb_2tld altervista.org
util_rb_2tld biz.tm
util_rb_2tld blogger.ca
util_rb_2tld blogger.cf
util_rb_2tld blogger.ch
util_rb_2tld blogspot.com
util_rb_2tld blogger.cv
util_rb_2tld blogger.jp
util_rb_2tld blogger.pl
util_rb_2tld blogger.re
util_rb_2tld blogger.se
util_rb_2tld blogspot.ca
util_rb_2tld blogspot.cv
util_rb_2tld blogspot.de
util_rb_2tld blogspot.fr
util_rb_2tld blogspot.in
util_rb_2tld blogspot.it
util_rb_2tld blogspot.jp
util_rb_2tld blogspot.mx
util_rb_2tld blogspot.pt
util_rb_2tld blogspot.re
util_rb_2tld blogspot.se
util_rb_2tld bravehost.com
util_rb_2tld bravejournal.com
util_rb_2tld by.ru
util_rb_2tld chat.ru
util_rb_2tld cjb.net
util_rb_2tld es.tl
util_rb_2tld extra.hu
util_rb_2tld freehostia.com
util_rb_2tld front.ru
util_rb_2tld geocities.com
util_rb_2tld getmyip.com
util_rb_2tld googlepages.com
util_rb_2tld helloweb.eu
util_rb_2tld host.sk
util_rb_2tld hotbox.ru
util_rb_2tld hotmail.ru
util_rb_2tld hu2.ru
util_rb_2tld hut2.ru
util_rb_2tld iblogger.org
util_rb_2tld ic.cz
util_rb_2tld id.ru
util_rb_2tld kwik.to
util_rb_2tld land.ru
util_rb_2tld mine.nu
util_rb_2tld mooo.com
util_rb_2tld narod.ru
util_rb_2tld netsolhost.com
util_rb_2tld na.by
util_rb_2tld newmail.ru
util_rb_2tld nextmail.ru
util_rb_2tld nightmail.ru
util_rb_2tld nm.ru
util_rb_2tld notlong.com
util_rb_2tld page.tl
util_rb_2tld pochta.ru
util_rb_2tld pochtamt.ru
util_rb_2tld pop3.ru
util_rb_2tld proboards.com
util_rb_2tld rbcmail.ru
util_rb_2tld rm.ru
util_rb_2tld smtp.ru
util_rb_2tld sol.ru
util_rb_2tld t35.com
util_rb_2tld tripod.com
util_rb_2tld uk.to
util_rb_2tld unblog.fr
util_rb_2tld us.to
util_rb_2tld web-soft.ru
util_rb_2tld wz.cz
util_rb_2tld zmail.ru
util_rb_2tld t35.net
util_rb_2tld t35.com
util_rb_2tld wordpress.com
util_rb_2tld jino-net.ru
util_rb_2tld 6a.org
util_rb_2tld xf.cz
util_rb_2tld fr.tc
util_rb_2tld googlegroups.com
util_rb_2tld 150m.com
util_rb_2tld bravepages.com
util_rb_2tld ucoz.ru
util_rb_2tld ucoz.com
util_rb_2tld ucoz.net
util_rb_2tld szm.com
util_rb_2tld geocities.jp
util_rb_2tld gmxhome.de
util_rb_2tld freeservercity.com
util_rb_2tld iquebec.com
util_rb_2tld mail2k.ru
util_rb_2tld mail.ru
util_rb_2tld ath.cx
util_rb_2tld go.ro
util_rb_2tld z8.ru
util_rb_2tld appspot.com
util_rb_2tld gigazu.net
util_rb_2tld weebly.com
util_rb_2tld ifrance.com
util_rb_2tld jimdo.com
util_rb_2tld kimsufi.com
util_rb_2tld mail333.su
util_rb_2tld pisem.su
util_rb_2tld mail15.su
util_rb_2tld prserv.net
util_rb_2tld angelfire.com
util_rb_2tld 163.to
util_rb_2tld home.pl
util_rb_2tld redirectme.net
util_rb_2tld interia.pl
util_rb_2tld co.kg
util_rb_2tld ning.com
util_rb_2tld xorg.pl
util_rb_2tld free.fr
util_rb_2tld we.bs
util_rb_2tld net.tc
util_rb_2tld isuisse.com
util_rb_2tld de.ki
util_rb_2tld funpic.de
util_rb_2tld interii.pl
util_rb_2tld selfip.com
util_rb_2tld livejournal.com
util_rb_2tld t3.to
util_rb_2tld fx.to
util_rb_2tld iespana.es
util_rb_2tld go.com
util_rb_2tld hostevo.com
util_rb_2tld iwebsource.com
util_rb_2tld one.pl
util_rb_2tld gratishost.com
util_rb_2tld netfirms.com
util_rb_2tld ibelgique.com
util_rb_2tld to.it
util_rb_2tld whsites.net
util_rb_2tld home.ro
util_rb_2tld 1blu.de
util_rb_2tld co.cc
util_rb_2tld cc.cc
util_rb_2tld webs.com
util_rb_2tld webcindario.com
util_rb_2tld idoo.com
util_rb_2tld selfip.net
util_rb_2tld ovh.net
util_rb_2tld sapo.pt
util_rb_2tld homeip.net
util_rb_2tld unlugar.com
util_rb_2tld nov.ru
util_rb_2tld republika.pl
util_rb_2tld blog.com
util_rb_2tld sosblog.com
util_rb_2tld servebbs.com
util_rb_2tld serveftp.com
util_rb_2tld gob.ve
util_rb_2tld xanga.com
util_rb_2tld com.vc
util_rb_2tld net.vc
util_rb_2tld org.vc
util_rb_2tld kickme.to
util_rb_2tld asso.ws
util_rb_2tld url.st
util_rb_2tld at.pn
util_rb_2tld au.pn
util_rb_2tld ca.pn
util_rb_2tld ch.pn
util_rb_2tld cn.pn
util_rb_2tld co.pn
util_rb_2tld corp.st
util_rb_2tld societe.st
util_rb_2tld de.pn
util_rb_2tld es.pn
util_rb_2tld eu.pn
util_rb_2tld euro.tm
util_rb_2tld fr.pn
util_rb_2tld gov.pn
util_rb_2tld government.pn
util_rb_2tld it.pn
util_rb_2tld jp.pn
util_rb_2tld perso.tc
util_rb_2tld site.tc
util_rb_2tld societe.st
util_rb_2tld url.st
util_rb_2tld blog.ru
util_rb_2tld eu.tc
util_rb_2tld us.tc
util_rb_2tld pro.tc
util_rb_2tld de.tc
util_rb_2tld at.tc
util_rb_2tld it.tc
util_rb_2tld es.tc
util_rb_2tld ru.tc
util_rb_2tld se.tc
util_rb_2tld dk.tc
util_rb_2tld be.tc
util_rb_2tld no.tc
util_rb_2tld int.tc
util_rb_2tld pl.tc
util_rb_2tld bg.tc
util_rb_2tld cz.tc
util_rb_2tld mx.tc
util_rb_2tld br.tc
util_rb_2tld hk.tc
util_rb_2tld kr.tc
util_rb_2tld th.tc
util_rb_2tld ph.tc
util_rb_2tld at.lv
util_rb_2tld de.lv
util_rb_2tld ch.lv
util_rb_2tld org.rw
util_rb_2tld myvnc.com
util_rb_2tld blog4ever.com
util_rb_2tld sytes.net
util_rb_2tld multiply.com
util_rb_2tld 80.hk
util_rb_2tld shutterfly.com
util_rb_2tld chez.com
util_rb_2tld ce.ms
util_rb_2tld zapto.org
util_rb_2tld cz.cc
util_rb_2tld fromru.su
util_rb_2tld krovatka.su
util_rb_2tld pochta.com
util_rb_2tld 5ballov.ru
util_rb_2tld usa.cc
util_rb_2tld jpn.com
util_rb_2tld yolasite.com
util_rb_2tld in.net
util_rb_2tld com.de
util_rb_2tld biz.ua

util_rb_2tld neostrada.pl
util_rb_2tld vv.cc
util_rb_2tld co.be
util_rb_2tld uni.cc
util_rb_2tld shop.co
util_rb_2tld tumblr.com
util_rb_2tld fileave.com
util_rb_2tld de.tl
# Dyndns.com
util_rb_2tld dyndns-at-home.com
util_rb_2tld dyndns-at-work.com
util_rb_2tld dyndns-blog.com
util_rb_2tld dyndns-free.com
util_rb_2tld dyndns-home.com
util_rb_2tld dyndns-ip.com
util_rb_2tld dyndns-mail.com
util_rb_2tld dyndns-office.com
util_rb_2tld dyndns-pics.com
util_rb_2tld dyndns-remote.com
util_rb_2tld dyndns-server.com
util_rb_2tld dyndns-web.com
util_rb_2tld dyndns-wiki.com
util_rb_2tld dyndns-work.com
util_rb_2tld dyndns.biz
util_rb_2tld dyndns.info
util_rb_2tld dyndns.org
util_rb_2tld dyndns.tv
util_rb_2tld dyndns.dk
util_rb_2tld dyndns.ws
util_rb_2tld mydyndns.org
util_rb_2tld qip.ru
util_rb_2tld no-ip.biz
util_rb_2tld no-ip.ca
util_rb_2tld no-ip.com
util_rb_2tld no-ip.info
util_rb_2tld no-ip.net
util_rb_2tld no-ip.org

bypass 1.0, Devloped By El Moujahidin (the source has been moved and devloped)
Email: contact@elmoujehidin.net