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Fallagassrini Bypass Shell

Current Path : /usr/share/doc/perl-LDAP-0.56/contrib/

Linux server.meentosys.com 3.10.0-1160.105.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Dec 7 15:39:45 UTC 2023 x86_64
Upload File :
Current File : //usr/share/doc/perl-LDAP-0.56/contrib/jpegLoad.pl

# This program was written by Clif Harden.
# It uses the PERL LDAP module.
# This LDAP module is available from the PERL CPAN
# system.
# Purpose: This program is designed to load jpeg file data into a LDAP
#          directory entry.
# $Id: jpegLoad.pl,v 1.2 2003/06/18 18:23:31 gbarr Exp $
# Revisions:
# $Log: jpegLoad.pl,v $
# Revision 1.2  2003/06/18 18:23:31  gbarr
# Remove all references to :all as it is not recomended
# Revision 1.1  2001/03/12 14:01:46  gbarr
# New contrib scripts from Clif Harden

use strict;
use Getopt::Std;
use Net::LDAP;
use Net::LDAP::Filter;
use Net::LDAP;
use Net::LDAP::Util qw( ldap_error_name ldap_error_text );
use Net::LDAP::Constant;

my $errstr = 0;
my $errmsg = "";

$errmsg = ldap_error_text($errstr);
# Initialize opt hash.
# You can change the defaults to match your setup.
# This can eliminate the need for many of the input
# options on the command line.
my %opt = (
  'b' => 'dc=harden,dc=org',
  'h' => 'localhost',
  'd' => 0,
  'D' => 'cn=manager',
  'w' => 'password',
  'V' => '3',
  'a' => 'cn',
  'v' => 'commonName'

if ( @ARGV == 0 ) 
# print usage message.

# Get command line options.


if ( !defined( $opt{'f'}) || !-e $opt{'f'} ) 
# No jpeg file specified or the file does not exist.
print "$opt{'f'}\n";

$/ = undef;
$\ = undef;
$, = undef;

# Slurp all of the jpeg file in at once.
open(IN, "<$opt{'f'}");
$_ = <IN>;   

# build filter string
my $match = "( $opt{'a'}=$opt{'v'}  )";

# create filter object
my $f = Net::LDAP::Filter->new($match) or die "Bad filter '$match'";

# make ldap connection to directory.
my $ldap = new Net::LDAP($opt{'h'},
                         timeout => 10,
                         debug => $opt{'d'},
                        ) or die $@;

# Bind to directory.
$ldap->bind($opt{'D'}, password => "$opt{'w'}", version => $opt{'V'}) or die $@;

# Search directory for record that matches filter 
my $mesg = $ldap->search(
  base   => $opt{'b'},
  filter => $f,
  attrs  => [ "cn","jpegphoto" ],
) or die $@;

die $mesg->error,$mesg->code
	if $mesg->code;

# get record entry object
my $entry = $mesg->entry();

# get record DN
if ( !defined($entry) )
  print "No record for filter $match\n";

my $dn = $entry->dn();

print "\n";
print "dn:  $dn\n";
print "\n";

# initialize arrays
my @addMember = ();
my @memberChange = ();

push( @addMember, "jpegphoto" );     # attribute name
push( @addMember, $_ );   # attribute value

my $attr = $entry->get_value("jpegPhoto");
  # Entry already has a jpegPhoto, replace it.
  push( @memberChange, "replace" );     # ldap replace operation
  push( @memberChange, \@addMember );     # ldap data to add 
  # Entry does not have a jpegPhoto, add it.
  push( @memberChange, "add" );     # ldap add operation
  push( @memberChange, \@addMember );     # ldap data to add 

$mesg = $ldap->modify( $dn, changes => [ @memberChange ] ) or die $@;

if ( $mesg->code ) 
   $errstr = $mesg->code;
   print "Error code:  $errstr\n";
   $errmsg = ldap_error_text($errstr);
   print "$errmsg\n";


# Usage() - display simple usage message #
sub Usage
   print( "Usage: [-b] <base> | [-h] <host> | [-d] <number> | [-D] <DN> | [-w] <password> | [-a] <attribute> | [-v] <data> | [-f] <jpeg file> \n" );
   print( "\t-b    Search base.\n" );
   print( "\t-d    Debug mode.  Display debug messages to stdout.\n" );
   print( "\t-D    Authenication Distingushed Name.\n" );
   print( "\t-f    JPEG file to load in to attribute jpegPhoto.\n" );
   print( "\t      Required input option.\n" );
   print( "\t-h    LDAP directory host computer.\n" );
   print( "\t-w    Authenication password.\n" );
   print( "\t-a    Attribute that will be incorporated into the search filter.\n" );
   print( "\t-v    Data that will be incorporated into the search filter.\n" );
   print( "\t-V    LDAP version of the LDAP directory.\n" );
   print( "\n" );
   print( "\t      Perldoc pod documentation is included in this script.\n" );
   print( "\t      To read the pod documentation do the following;\n" );
   print( "\t      perldoc <script name>\n" );
   print( "\n" );
   print( "\n" );
   exit( 1 );


=head1 NAME

jpegLoad.pl -  A script to load a jpeg picture into the jpegPhoto attribute of a directory entry.


The intent of this script is to show the user how to load a 
picture that is in jpeg format into the jpegPhoto attribute of 
a directory entry.
The entry in question must have the schema defined to
allow the loading of the jpegPhoto attribute.

This script has been tested on a OpenLDAP 2.0.7 directory server
and a Netscape 4.x directory server.

You may need to change the first line of the PERL jpegLoad.pl script
to point to your file pathname of perl.

=head1 Input options.

 -b    Search base.
 -d    Debug mode.  Display debug messages to stdout.
 -D    Distingushed Name for authenication purposes.
 -f    JPEG file to load in to attribute jpegPhoto.
       Required input option and file must exist.
 -h    LDAP directory host computer.
 -w    Authenication password.
 -a    Attribute that will be incorporated into the search filter.
 -v    Data that will be incorporated into the search filter.
 -V    LDAP version of the LDAP directory.

 Usage: jpegLoad.pl -b <base> -h <host> -d <number> -D <DN> \
                    -w <password> -a <attribute> -v <data> \
                    -f <jpeg file>

Inside the script is a opt hash that can be initialized to 
default values that can eliminate the need for many of the 
input options on the command line.



To use this program you will need the following.

At least PERL version 5.004.  You can get a stable version of PERL
from the following URL;

Perl LDAP module.  You can get this from the following URL;

Bundled inside each PERL module is instructions on how to install the
module into your PERL system.



Install the jpegLoad.pl script anywhere you wish, I suggest


Since the script is in PERL, feel free to modify it if it does not
meet your needs.  This is one of the main reasons I did it in PERL.
If you make an addition to the code that you feel other individuals
could use let me know about it.  I may incorporate your code
into my code.

=head1 AUTHOR

Clif Harden <charden@pobox.com>
If you find any errors in the code please let me know at


Copyright (c) 2001 Clif Harden. All rights reserved. This program is
free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
terms as Perl itself.


bypass 1.0, Devloped By El Moujahidin (the source has been moved and devloped)
Email: contact@elmoujehidin.net