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Fallagassrini Bypass Shell

Current Path : /proc/self/root/lib64/python2.7/

Linux server.meentosys.com 3.10.0-1160.105.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Dec 7 15:39:45 UTC 2023 x86_64
Upload File :
Current File : //proc/self/root/lib64/python2.7/_LWPCookieJar.py

"""Load / save to libwww-perl (LWP) format files.

Actually, the format is slightly extended from that used by LWP's
(libwww-perl's) HTTP::Cookies, to avoid losing some RFC 2965 information
not recorded by LWP.

It uses the version string "2.0", though really there isn't an LWP Cookies
2.0 format.  This indicates that there is extra information in here
(domain_dot and # port_spec) while still being compatible with
libwww-perl, I hope.


import time, re
from cookielib import (_warn_unhandled_exception, FileCookieJar, LoadError,
                       Cookie, MISSING_FILENAME_TEXT,
                       join_header_words, split_header_words,
                       iso2time, time2isoz)

def lwp_cookie_str(cookie):
    """Return string representation of Cookie in an the LWP cookie file format.

    Actually, the format is extended a bit -- see module docstring.

    h = [(cookie.name, cookie.value),
         ("path", cookie.path),
         ("domain", cookie.domain)]
    if cookie.port is not None: h.append(("port", cookie.port))
    if cookie.path_specified: h.append(("path_spec", None))
    if cookie.port_specified: h.append(("port_spec", None))
    if cookie.domain_initial_dot: h.append(("domain_dot", None))
    if cookie.secure: h.append(("secure", None))
    if cookie.expires: h.append(("expires",
    if cookie.discard: h.append(("discard", None))
    if cookie.comment: h.append(("comment", cookie.comment))
    if cookie.comment_url: h.append(("commenturl", cookie.comment_url))

    keys = cookie._rest.keys()
    for k in keys:
        h.append((k, str(cookie._rest[k])))

    h.append(("version", str(cookie.version)))

    return join_header_words([h])

class LWPCookieJar(FileCookieJar):
    The LWPCookieJar saves a sequence of "Set-Cookie3" lines.
    "Set-Cookie3" is the format used by the libwww-perl libary, not known
    to be compatible with any browser, but which is easy to read and
    doesn't lose information about RFC 2965 cookies.

    Additional methods

    as_lwp_str(ignore_discard=True, ignore_expired=True)


    def as_lwp_str(self, ignore_discard=True, ignore_expires=True):
        """Return cookies as a string of "\\n"-separated "Set-Cookie3" headers.

        ignore_discard and ignore_expires: see docstring for FileCookieJar.save

        now = time.time()
        r = []
        for cookie in self:
            if not ignore_discard and cookie.discard:
            if not ignore_expires and cookie.is_expired(now):
            r.append("Set-Cookie3: %s" % lwp_cookie_str(cookie))
        return "\n".join(r+[""])

    def save(self, filename=None, ignore_discard=False, ignore_expires=False):
        if filename is None:
            if self.filename is not None: filename = self.filename
            else: raise ValueError(MISSING_FILENAME_TEXT)

        f = open(filename, "w")
            # There really isn't an LWP Cookies 2.0 format, but this indicates
            # that there is extra information in here (domain_dot and
            # port_spec) while still being compatible with libwww-perl, I hope.
            f.write(self.as_lwp_str(ignore_discard, ignore_expires))

    def _really_load(self, f, filename, ignore_discard, ignore_expires):
        magic = f.readline()
        if not re.search(self.magic_re, magic):
            msg = ("%r does not look like a Set-Cookie3 (LWP) format "
                   "file" % filename)
            raise LoadError(msg)

        now = time.time()

        header = "Set-Cookie3:"
        boolean_attrs = ("port_spec", "path_spec", "domain_dot",
                         "secure", "discard")
        value_attrs = ("version",
                       "port", "path", "domain",
                       "comment", "commenturl")

            while 1:
                line = f.readline()
                if line == "": break
                if not line.startswith(header):
                line = line[len(header):].strip()

                for data in split_header_words([line]):
                    name, value = data[0]
                    standard = {}
                    rest = {}
                    for k in boolean_attrs:
                        standard[k] = False
                    for k, v in data[1:]:
                        if k is not None:
                            lc = k.lower()
                            lc = None
                        # don't lose case distinction for unknown fields
                        if (lc in value_attrs) or (lc in boolean_attrs):
                            k = lc
                        if k in boolean_attrs:
                            if v is None: v = True
                            standard[k] = v
                        elif k in value_attrs:
                            standard[k] = v
                            rest[k] = v

                    h = standard.get
                    expires = h("expires")
                    discard = h("discard")
                    if expires is not None:
                        expires = iso2time(expires)
                    if expires is None:
                        discard = True
                    domain = h("domain")
                    domain_specified = domain.startswith(".")
                    c = Cookie(h("version"), name, value,
                               h("port"), h("port_spec"),
                               domain, domain_specified, h("domain_dot"),
                               h("path"), h("path_spec"),
                    if not ignore_discard and c.discard:
                    if not ignore_expires and c.is_expired(now):

        except IOError:
        except Exception:
            raise LoadError("invalid Set-Cookie3 format file %r: %r" %
                            (filename, line))

bypass 1.0, Devloped By El Moujahidin (the source has been moved and devloped)
Email: contact@elmoujehidin.net