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Current File : //opt/bitninja-threat-hunting/node_modules/logform/CHANGELOG.md


### [2.5.1](https://github.com/winstonjs/logform/compare/v2.5.0...v2.5.1)
## Bugfix
The triple-beam types package has been promoted to a full dependency, by first-time contributor @carboneater (Thanks!)
in https://github.com/winstonjs/logform/pull/243 to fix https://github.com/winstonjs/logform/issues/242.

### [2.5.0](https://github.com/winstonjs/logform/compare/v2.4.2...v2.5.0)
## Most Important:
* Now incompatible with TypeScript < 4.4 due to [PR #240](https://github.com/winstonjs/logform/pull/240), as pointed out in [#244](https://github.com/winstonjs/logform/issues/244). 

## Improvements
All the improvements in this release are from first-time contributors - thanks for your contributions!
* Feature - optionally include Error.cause property by @davidnbooth in https://github.com/winstonjs/logform/pull/226
* Add triple beam properties to types by @robinpokorny in https://github.com/winstonjs/logform/pull/194
* TransformableInfo should support symbols as keys by @dancrumb in https://github.com/winstonjs/logform/pull/240

## Dependency updates by @dependabot
* Bump @babel/cli from 7.18.6 to 7.19.3 by @dependabot in https://github.com/winstonjs/logform/pull/214
* Bump @babel/core from 7.18.6 to 7.20.12 by @dependabot in https://github.com/winstonjs/logform/pull/212
and https://github.com/winstonjs/logform/pull/237
* Bump @babel/preset-env from 7.18.6 to 7.20.2 by @dependabot in https://github.com/winstonjs/logform/pull/217
and https://github.com/winstonjs/logform/pull/225
* Bump eslint from 8.19.0 to 8.33.0 by @dependabot in https://github.com/winstonjs/logform/pull/215
and https://github.com/winstonjs/logform/pull/241
* Bump mocha from 10.0.0 to 10.2.0 by @dependabot in https://github.com/winstonjs/logform/pull/218
and https://github.com/winstonjs/logform/pull/232
* Bump safe-stable-stringify from 2.3.1 to 2.4.2 by @dependabot in https://github.com/winstonjs/logform/pull/206
and https://github.com/winstonjs/logform/pull/235

### [2.4.2](https://github.com/winstonjs/logform/compare/v2.4.1...v2.4.2)
## Bugfixes
This patch-level release includes a fix for a crash on attempt to uncolorize Symbol.
Thanks to @Alexsey for that first contribution in https://github.com/winstonjs/logform/pull/188.

## Maintainability updates:
Line break styles were changed to be LF (instead of CRLF) more consistently so that linter warnings
aren't drowned out by notes about that.

## Dependency updates by @dependabot
* @babel/cli from 7.17.10 to 7.18.6 in https://github.com/winstonjs/logform/pull/187
* @babel/core from 7.18.5 to 7.18.6 in https://github.com/winstonjs/logform/pull/185
* @babel/preset-env from 7.18.2 to 7.18.6 in https://github.com/winstonjs/logform/pull/184
* eslint from 8.18.0 to 8.19.0 in https://github.com/winstonjs/logform/pull/186

### 2.4.1

- [#178] Change TransformableInfo message prop to any: Loosening types to fix #172 (thanks, @gregbair!)
- [#149] Adopted issue templates for reporting issues, affects GitHub project management only (thanks, @maverick1872!)
- Updated dependencies, from dependabot

### 2.4.0

- Updated all dependencies
- [#135] Use CLI levels (not NPM levels) in `CliFormat` (this was likely a typo originally)
- [#134] Expose `safe-stable-stringify` 2.x options as parameters in `JsonOptions`

### 2.3.2

This update, which also used up version number 2.3.1, pinned the version of the `colors` dependency
due to vandalism by a developer of that package, as noted [here](https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/dev-corrupts-npm-libs-colors-and-faker-breaking-thousands-of-apps/).
[As discussed in the `winston` package](https://github.com/winstonjs/winston/issues/2011), all users should update to this (or a later version, should one exist) ASAP.

### 2.3.0

- Update dependencies
- Removing some superfluous semicolons & commas lint
- Avoid dynamic requires [#117]
- Replace JSON stringify library "fast-safe-stringify" by "safe-stable-stringify" [#98]
- More correctly format errors even if the “message” property is enumerable [#101]
- Fix errors and ms export for browsers [#106]

### 2.2.0

- [#90], [#91] Add option for using stable stringify when formatting as JSON.
- [#84] Add replacer for BigInt on JSON formatter.
- [#79] Timestamp format type definitions can accept functions.
- Update dependencies and fix most of the oustanding npm audit notices.

### 2.1.2

- [#74] Remove all internal symbols before invoking `util.inspect`.
   - Related to [#31].

### 2.1.1

- [#71] Bump logform to be consistent with winston.
   - Fixes https://github.com/winstonjs/winston/issues/1584

### 2.1.0

- [#59], [#68], [#69]  Add error normalizing format.
- [#65] When MESSAGE symbol has a value and `{ all: true }` is set, colorize the entire serialized message.

### 2.0.0

- **BREAKING** [#57] Try better fix for [winston#1485]. See:
  [New `splat` behavior`](#new-splat-behavior) below.
- [#54] Fix typo in `README.md`
- [#55] Strip info[LEVEL] in prettyPrint. Fixes [#31].
- [#56] Document built-in formats.
- [#64] Add TypeScript definitions for all format options.
  Relates to [#9] and [#48].

#### New `splat` behavior

Previously `splat` would have added a `meta` property for any additional
`info[SPLAT]` beyond the expected number of tokens.

**As of `logform@2.0.0`,** `format.splat` assumes additional splat paramters
(aka "metas") are objects and merges enumerable properties into the `info`.

``` js
const { format } = require('logform');
const { splat } = format;
const { MESSAGE, LEVEL, SPLAT } = require('triple-beam');

  // Expects two tokens, but three splat parameters provided.
    level: 'info',
    message: 'Let us %s for %j',
    [LEVEL]: 'info',
    [MESSAGE]: 'Let us %s for %j',
    [SPLAT]: ['objects', { label: 'sure' }, { thisIsMeta: 'wut' }]

// logform@1.x behavior:
// Added "meta" property.
// { level: 'info',
//   message: 'Let us objects for {"label":"sure"}',
//   meta: { thisIsMeta: 'wut' },
//   [Symbol(level)]: 'info',
//   [Symbol(message)]: 'Let us %s for %j',
//   [Symbol(splat)]: [ 'objects', { label: 'sure' } ] }

// logform@2.x behavior:
// Enumerable properties assigned into `info`.
// { level: 'info',
//   message: 'Let us objects for {"label":"sure"}',
//   thisIsMeta: 'wut',
//   [Symbol(level)]: 'info',
//   [Symbol(message)]: 'Let us %s for %j',
//   [Symbol(splat)]: [ 'objects', { label: 'sure' } ] }

The reason for this change is to be consistent with how `winston` itself
handles `meta` objects in its variable-arity conventions.

**BE ADVISED** previous "metas" that _were not objects_ will very likely lead
to odd behavior. e.g.

``` js
const { format } = require('logform');
const { splat } = format;
const { MESSAGE, LEVEL, SPLAT } = require('triple-beam');

  // Expects two tokens, but three splat parameters provided.
    level: 'info',
    message: 'Let us %s for %j',
    [LEVEL]: 'info',
    [MESSAGE]: 'Let us %s for %j',
    // !!NOTICE!! Additional parameters are a string and an Array
    [SPLAT]: ['objects', { label: 'sure' }, 'lol', ['ok', 'why']]

// logform@1.x behavior:
// Added "meta" property.
// { level: 'info',
//   message: 'Let us objects for {"label":"sure"}',
//   meta: ['lol', ['ok', 'why']],
//   [Symbol(level)]: 'info',
//   [Symbol(message)]: 'Let us %s for %j',
//   [Symbol(splat)]: [ 'objects', { label: 'sure' } ] }

// logform@2.x behavior: Enumerable properties assigned into `info`.
// **Strings and Arrays only have NUMERIC enumerable properties!**
// { '0': 'ok',
//   '1': 'why',
//   '2': 'l',
//   level: 'info',
//   message: 'Let us objects for {"label":"sure"}',
//   [Symbol(level)]: 'info',
//   [Symbol(message)]: 'Let us %s for %j',
//   [Symbol(splat)]: [ 'objects', { label: 'sure' } ] }

### 1.10.0

- [#52] Add types field in package.json.
- [#46], [#49] Changes for splat when there are no tokens present and no splat present.
- [#47], [#53] Expose transpiled code for Browser-only scenarios.

### 1.9.1

- [#39] Don't break when there are % placeholders but no values.
- [#42] Only set `meta` when non-zero additional `SPLAT` arguments are
  provided. (Fixes [winstonjs/winston#1358]).

### 1.9.0

- [#38] Migrate functionality from winston Logger to splat format.
- [#37] Match expectations from `winston@2.x` for padLevels. Create a correct `Cli` format with initial state. (Fixes [#36]).

### 1.8.0

- [#35] Use `fast-safe-stringify` for perf and to support circular refs.
- [#34] Colorize level symbol.

### 1.7.0

- [#28] Use more es6-features across the board.
- [#30] Fix combine return value.
- [#29] Add metadata function to format namespace.

### 1.6.0

- [#25] Implement padLevels format.
- [#26] Update `dependencies` and add `node@10` to the travis build of the project.
- [#27] Refactor logform to use triple-beam.

### 1.5.0

- [#23], (@ChrisAlderson) Add ms format to support '+N ms' format. Fixes #20.
- [#24], (@aneilbaboo) Fix `webpack` warnings.
- Add `.travis.yml`.

### 1.4.2

- [#22], (@Jasu) Fix compilation on Babel 6.

### 1.4.1

- [#21], (@dabh) Add tsconfig.json. Fixes #19.

### 1.4.0

- [#14] @iamkirkbater Added Initial Metadata Support.
- Correct JSDoc for printf.js. Fixes #10.

### 1.3.0

- [#18] Expose browser.js for rollup and the like. Fixes [#5].
- [#13] @dabh Use new version of colors.
- [#15] @dabh Add Typescript typings (ported from DefinitelyTyped).
- [#17], [#16] Fix error messages other typos.

### 1.2.2

- [#4], [#11] Fix timestamp and replace `date-fns` with `fecha` (with test cases) [`@ChrisAlderson`].

### 1.2.1

- [#3] Strip `info.splat` in `format.simple` to avoid double inclusion.

### 1.2.0

- Transition from `info.raw` to `info[Symbol.for('message')]`.
- Finish `README.md` except for full list of all built-in formats.
- 100% coverage for everything except for `{ align, cli, padLevels }`.

### 1.1.0

- [#2] Add baseline expected formats that were previously exposed as options to `common.log` in `winston@2.x` and below.
- [#2] Introduce `format.combine` to remove inconsistency in behavior between `format(fn0)` and `format(fn0, ...moreFns)`.
- [#2] `README.md` now covers all of the basics for `logform`.

### 1.0.0

- Initial release.

[winstonjs/winston#1358]: https://github.com/winstonjs/winston/issues/1358

bypass 1.0, Devloped By El Moujahidin (the source has been moved and devloped)
Email: contact@elmoujehidin.net