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Fallagassrini Bypass Shell

Current Path : /lib/python2.7/site-packages/urllib3/

Linux server.meentosys.com 3.10.0-1160.105.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Dec 7 15:39:45 UTC 2023 x86_64
Upload File :
Current File : //lib/python2.7/site-packages/urllib3/exceptions.py

## Base Exceptions

class HTTPError(Exception):
    "Base exception used by this module."

class HTTPWarning(Warning):
    "Base warning used by this module."

class PoolError(HTTPError):
    "Base exception for errors caused within a pool."
    def __init__(self, pool, message):
        self.pool = pool
        HTTPError.__init__(self, "%s: %s" % (pool, message))

    def __reduce__(self):
        # For pickling purposes.
        return self.__class__, (None, None)

class RequestError(PoolError):
    "Base exception for PoolErrors that have associated URLs."
    def __init__(self, pool, url, message):
        self.url = url
        PoolError.__init__(self, pool, message)

    def __reduce__(self):
        # For pickling purposes.
        return self.__class__, (None, self.url, None)

class SSLError(HTTPError):
    "Raised when SSL certificate fails in an HTTPS connection."

class ProxyError(HTTPError):
    "Raised when the connection to a proxy fails."

class DecodeError(HTTPError):
    "Raised when automatic decoding based on Content-Type fails."

class ProtocolError(HTTPError):
    "Raised when something unexpected happens mid-request/response."

#: Renamed to ProtocolError but aliased for backwards compatibility.
ConnectionError = ProtocolError

## Leaf Exceptions

class MaxRetryError(RequestError):
    """Raised when the maximum number of retries is exceeded.

    :param pool: The connection pool
    :type pool: :class:`~urllib3.connectionpool.HTTPConnectionPool`
    :param string url: The requested Url
    :param exceptions.Exception reason: The underlying error


    def __init__(self, pool, url, reason=None):
        self.reason = reason

        message = "Max retries exceeded with url: %s (Caused by %r)" % (
            url, reason)

        RequestError.__init__(self, pool, url, message)

class HostChangedError(RequestError):
    "Raised when an existing pool gets a request for a foreign host."

    def __init__(self, pool, url, retries=3):
        message = "Tried to open a foreign host with url: %s" % url
        RequestError.__init__(self, pool, url, message)
        self.retries = retries

class TimeoutStateError(HTTPError):
    """ Raised when passing an invalid state to a timeout """

class TimeoutError(HTTPError):
    """ Raised when a socket timeout error occurs.

    Catching this error will catch both :exc:`ReadTimeoutErrors
    <ReadTimeoutError>` and :exc:`ConnectTimeoutErrors <ConnectTimeoutError>`.

class ReadTimeoutError(TimeoutError, RequestError):
    "Raised when a socket timeout occurs while receiving data from a server"

# This timeout error does not have a URL attached and needs to inherit from the
# base HTTPError
class ConnectTimeoutError(TimeoutError):
    "Raised when a socket timeout occurs while connecting to a server"

class EmptyPoolError(PoolError):
    "Raised when a pool runs out of connections and no more are allowed."

class ClosedPoolError(PoolError):
    "Raised when a request enters a pool after the pool has been closed."

class LocationValueError(ValueError, HTTPError):
    "Raised when there is something wrong with a given URL input."

class LocationParseError(LocationValueError):
    "Raised when get_host or similar fails to parse the URL input."

    def __init__(self, location):
        message = "Failed to parse: %s" % location
        HTTPError.__init__(self, message)

        self.location = location

class ResponseError(HTTPError):
    "Used as a container for an error reason supplied in a MaxRetryError."
    GENERIC_ERROR = 'too many error responses'
    SPECIFIC_ERROR = 'too many {status_code} error responses'

class SecurityWarning(HTTPWarning):
    "Warned when perfoming security reducing actions"

class InsecureRequestWarning(SecurityWarning):
    "Warned when making an unverified HTTPS request."

class SystemTimeWarning(SecurityWarning):
    "Warned when system time is suspected to be wrong"

bypass 1.0, Devloped By El Moujahidin (the source has been moved and devloped)
Email: contact@elmoujehidin.net